5055 Grandview Road, Hanover, PA 17331
Office: 717-637-5236 | School: 717-632-0118
5055 Grandview Road, Hanover, PA 17331
Office: 717-637-5236 | School: 717-632-0118
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The Pastoral Council is concerned, in general, with implementing, at the parish level, the mission of the Diocese of Harrisburg: To share the experience of salvation received from Jesus Christ in the living Catholic tradition of Word and Sacrament, drawing all persons into a believing, hoping, loving, and serving community, which, empowered by the Spirit, gives glory to the Father through Jesus, Lord and Savior.
The Pastoral Council serves in a consultative role to the Pastor, and provides the framework through which clergy, religious, and laity can share responsibility. A council is more than an advisory board; it is a leadership community in which the Pastor and the people share in the decision making of the parish. And it is a community of service that assumes a special accountability for the life of the parish. The council embodies the belief that we are the church, all of us together, clergy, religious, and laity.
Council meetings are generally held monthly. Parishioners are encouraged to submit questions, concerns, and ideas to the Council. Current members are listed below. Concerns and ideas may also be submitted through the box in the back of the Church.
2024-2025 Pastoral Council Members:
(Council Chair)
Connie McNeil
Lauren Rose (Recording Secretary)
Paul Natishan (Vice Chair)
Aldo Aviles
Carolyn Blaszcyk
Tom Ernst
Erin Gindlesberger
Betty Himes
Maureen Thiec
Tom Wieland
Beth Pugliese
Charlie Davis
Fr. Michael Rothan