Thank you for visiting the St. Joseph Catholic Church website!

Mission Statement

St. Joseph Catholic Church is a diverse faith community called by the Holy Spirit and nurtured by the Eucharist and the word of God. The parish is committed to following the teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ, as revealed through the Roman Catholic Church and expressed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg. The Church promotes the biblical mandate, "Not to be served, but to serve", and encourages parishioners to love others in truth, justice, and charity.

The people of St. Joseph Church, desire to proclaim the Good News of Salvation and to serve our neighbors, by building and sharing a community of faith and love for the greater glory of God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son, in union with the Holy Spirit.

Stewardship Initiative

In 2010, St. Joseph Parish began a formal stewardship initiative, Servant Joy, that emphasizes acknowledging God’s gifts, sharing them with others, and returning a portion to God. A seven-week Time and Talent initiative was conducted during which parishioners were reminded of the numerous parish ministries and activities that provide opportunities to use their time and talents for the Glory of God and the betterment of the parish. Parishioners were provided with a tool, Discovering the Gifts within You Survey, to assist them in identifying their own “gifts” or talents. The sixth weekend of the Time and Talent Initiative was designated “Intention Weekend”. Parishioners received and were asked to complete a “Time and Talent Intention Form“ on which they designated in what manner they intended to serve the parish over the next year. Parishioners were instructed to drop the Time and Talent Intention Form in the collection basket at Mass during Intention Weekend. The expected outcome of this initiative is greater connectedness to the parish by all who embrace Servant Joy.

5055 Grandview Road

Hanover, PA 17331


Office: 717-637-5236
Fax: 717-637-6615



School:  717-632-0118





Mass Times & Directions
Mass Times & Directions

Sunday Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM (Spanish)

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday 9:00 AM
Tuesday 9:00 AM
Wednesday 9:00 AM
Thursday 9:00 AM
Friday 9:00 AM
Saturday 9:00 AM

Confession Times

Saturday 2:30 to 3:30 PM
Sunday 2:00 PM (Spanish)
Any time by request